Monday, March 28, 2016

Welcome to My Mess

My husband and I started our adventures in remodeling way back in 1980 just after we got married.  We bought an old farmhouse in the Middle of Nowhere, Iowa and started fixing the house with more enthusiasm than sense.  We made SO many mistakes, not all were our fault, but still...  The first problem was the one I have continued to face during the restoration of 3 more houses.  The problem  has always been that the materials readily available are all brown or gray or black or beige and I want BLUE!  Praise God for the invention of online shopping, I finally can buy what I want as we begin to restore Home Number 5  (so if you are counting, home 1 was the farmhouse, home 2 a little Victorian cottage, home 3 a Queen Anne Victorian, home 4 a brand new ranch house that still needed work and now this one).  Here she is from the outside:

The history of the house is that we are only the 4th family to live here since it was built in 1870.  The second family added on and remodeled in the late 1930s, the next family remodeled again in the 1970s and now here we are, doing it all over again.   The house is huge and not at all open concept--lots of little rooms.  I officially have 8 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, and even a wine cellar and a maid's room.  It sounds so grand, doesn't it?  The reality is 8 little rooms upstairs with bad carpet, hideous paint, cracked window panes and lots of cobwebs.   As for the 5 bathrooms, well, we currently just have the door shut on 3 of them.  They are from the 1970s remodel and are just horrifyingly ugly.  The one we use is from the 1930s remodel and it actually is okay, just pretty worn out.   The one bathroom that I like is only a half bath downstairs--it is so small, it is one of the first things we fixed. The wine cellar is a little room with ugly wood shelves in the basement and the maid's room is an eensy room off the kitchen that I use for my craft room.

So far, we have finished the music room and living room and are in the middle of redoing the kitchen, back soon with posts on our progress.